
For experimentation and testing of the UGRAMM software, developers used HPC benchmarks, including FFT, stencil, and convolution operations. These benchmarks were unrolled with factors from 1 to 10 to increase kernel size, effectively stress-testing the UGRAMM mapper.

The release includes the following benchmark operations:

  • Conv_Balance
  • Conv_nonBalance
  • FFT-Radix-4
  • FFT-Radix-5
  • Stencil_Balance
  • Stencil_nonBalance

Additionally, each benchmark includes two versions: Any and Specific. The Any version signifies that the funcCell is cumulative, allowing input signals to map to any pin of the funcCell. Conversely, the Specific version implies a non-cumulative funcCell, where input signals must map to specific pins as defined in the benchmark attributes.