Table of Contents

Getting started:

  • Clone the UGRAMM repository:
    • git clone
  • Compile the source code:
    • make
  • Above step will produce a UGRAMM binary file in the root directory.
❯ ./UGRAMM --help
[UGRAMM] allowed options =:
  -h [ --help ]         Print help messages
  --seed arg            Seed for the run
  --verbose_level arg   0: info, 1: debug, 2: trace
  --dfile arg           Device model file
  --afile arg           Application graph file
  --config arg          UGRAMM config file
Fig 1. UGRAMM inputs
Fig 1.UGRAMM inputs
  • UGRAMM primarily accepts three types of files:
    • afile [REQUIRED]: An application-graph file in Graphviz dot format (ref). This file describes the input application to be mapped onto the device model (mapping here refers to checking if this smaller graph is a minor of the larger device-model graph).
    • dfile [REQUIRED]: A device-model file in Graphviz dot format. This file represents the device model of the hardware, and the tool checks if the application graph (H) is a minor of this device model graph (G).
    • config [OPTIONAL]: An optional configuration file that can be used in scenarios such as skipping the placement of specific nodes or locking certain nodes placement.

  • We have created a helper script (scripts/ to generate device model files for CGRA architectures such as RIKEN and ADRES.
  • The UGRAMM repository includes a variety of benchmarks for CGRA applications in the Kernels/ folder, featuring Stencil, Convolution, and FFT benchmarks.
  • While UGRAMM has been tested for the CGRA mapping process, it can also be utilized for other applications with minimal modifications. Users must ensure that the input files are in a format compatible with UGRAMM, as outlined in this documentation.
    • We have designed UGRAMM with generalized features to accommodate a wide range of applications. However, if you need specific functionality or have any questions, please create an issue related to your requirements on the UGRAMM GitHub repository.


  • A helper script ( has been developed to simplify running UGRAMM. The operations of this script are described below. You can run UGRAMM using this script or directly.

./ $1 $2 $3 $4 $5

  • Argument information about this script:
    • $1 [Seed] = 0,1,15 etc…
    • $2 [NR] = 8 //Number of rows in the CGRA architecture
    • $3 [NC] = 8 //Number of columns in the CGRA architecture
    • $4 [ApplicationGraph] = Kernels/Conv_Balance/
    • $5 [grammConfigFile] = config.json //Config file for the UGRAMM
  • This helper script will generate a specific CGRA device model file based on user input; Compile, and run UGRAMM with the generated device model file as input. It will also convert the output of UGRAMM into PNG format for easier debugging and visualization.
    • To generate the device model using the external script:
        cd scripts && ./ -NR $2 -NC $3 -Arch RIKEN && cd ..
    • To execute UGRAMM and produce the mapping result in
        make && ./UGRAMM --seed $1 --verbose_level 0 --dfile $device_model_output --afile $4 --config $5
    • Finally, to convert the mapped output DOT files into PNG format:
        neato -Tpng -o positioned_dot_output.png
        dot -Tpng -o unpositioned_dot_output.png
    • The successful mapping results will be saved in unpositioned_dot_output.png and positioned_dot_output.png.

Running UGRAMM:

  • The following command maps the conv_nounroll_Balance benchmark onto an 8x8 RIKEN CGRA using a seed value of 15.

./ 15 8 8 Kernels/Conv_Balance/ config.json

  • After running above command the mapped output results should be present in the root directory of UGRAMM.

  • positioned_dot_output:

    • This dot-file contains user provided co-ordinates of the device-model node cells.
Fig 1. positioned_dot_output
Fig 1. positioned_dot_output
  • unpositioned_dot_output:
    • This dot-file does not contains user provided co-ordinates of the device-model node cells.
    • This file also displays the input application graph for which UGRAMM was executed.
Fig 2. unpositioned_dot_output
Fig 2. unpositioned_dot_output