UGRAMM config file:

  • Input JSON file support for configuration related parameters. As of now supports Placement pragma.
    • Library used: #include “../lib/json.h”
  • For placement configuration:
    • “skip-placement” : [<-String list of Opcodes or NodeTypes->]; //Both opcode(FADD, FALU) or nodeType(ALU, Memport) are supported.
    • Also note that both the keys and values in the JSON file are case-insensitive.

Example1: Skipping placement of constant using the opcode (“const”) as an Input

  • config.json:
    "skip-placement" : ["const"]
  • output:
    [2024-09-15 21:41:52.355] [GRAMM] [info] [H] Ignoring placement for application node :: {Const_27|float32=5.00} 
    [2024-09-15 21:41:52.355] [GRAMM] [info] [H] Ignoring placement for application node :: {Const_28|float32=13.00} 
    [2024-09-15 21:41:52.355] [GRAMM] [info] [H] Ignoring placement for application node :: {Const_29|float32=9.00} 
    [2024-09-15 21:41:52.355] [GRAMM] [info] [H] Ignoring placement for application node :: {Const_30|float32=11.00} 
    [2024-09-15 21:41:52.355] [GRAMM] [info] [H] Ignoring placement for application node :: {Const_31|float32=3.00} 
    [2024-09-15 21:41:52.355] [GRAMM] [info] [H] Ignoring placement for application node :: {Const_32|float32=15.00} 
    [2024-09-15 21:41:52.355] [GRAMM] [info] [H] Ignoring placement for application node :: {Const_33|float32=17.00} 
    [2024-09-15 21:41:52.355] [GRAMM] [info] [H] Ignoring placement for application node :: {Const_34|float32=7.00} 
    [2024-09-15 21:41:52.355] [GRAMM] [info] [H] Ignoring placement for application node :: {Const_35|float32=19.00} 
Fig 1. Mapping output of example 1 (Constants skipped for placement and route)
Fig 1. Mapping output of Example 1 (Constants skipped for placement and route)

Example2: Skipping placement of constant using the nodeType (“constant”) as an Input

  • config.json:
    "skip-placement" : ["Constant"]
  • output:
    • Same output as the example 1.

Example3: Skipping placement of constant, memport and FMUL.

  • config.json:
    • Constant & Memport are NodeType (meaning all opcodes under these nodeTypes will be skipped for place and route) and FMUL is a Opcode
      "skip-placement" : ["Constant", "Memport", "FMUL"]
  • output:
Fig 2. Skipping of specified nodeType and opcodes in Example3
Fig 2. Skipping of specified nodeType and opcodes in Example 3
Fig 3. Mapping output of Example 3 (Constants, Memport, and FMUL skipped for placement and route)
Fig 3. Mapping output of Example 3 (Constants, Memport, and FMUL skipped for placement and route)