Device model input:

  • The device model graph is a larger graph used to determine whether the application graph is a minor of it. As the name suggests, the device model dot file represents the graphical format of the hardware architecture onto which we aim to map the input application.

  • CGRA architectures such as RIKEN and ADRES can be converted into graphical dot format. To simplify the generation of graphical dot files of these architectures, we have created a script in scripts/ that can easily generate a dot graph format file for standard CGRAs, and right now it supports RIKEN and ADRES architectures.

  • The following section will explain how the script functions and how the architecture is represented in graph format, which may inspire the creation of a similar script for new GRAMM applications requiring automated device model generation.

Device model generation script:

  • Usage: [-h] [-NR NR] [-NC NC] [-Arch ARCH]
    • NR (Number of rows), NC (Number of columns), and Arch (name of architecture)
  • Example: ./ -NR 8 -NC 8 -Arch RIKEN
  • Generates a device model for the specified CGRA architecture.
  • When the script is executed, the output will be saved as <Arch_Name>_<NR>_<NC>.dot.
  • Architecture supported:
    • RIKEN
    • ADRES [Work In Progess]
  • Script generation example for RIKEN CGRA architecture:
    • RIKEN hardware architecture:
Fig 1. RIKEN hardware architecture
Fig 1. RIKEN hardware architecture
Fig 2. RIKEN Processing Element (PE)
Fig 2. RIKEN Processing Element (PE)
  • Visualize ouput of RIKEN PE by device model gen script:
Fig 3. Visualize graph ouput of RIKEN PE
Fig 3. Visualize graph ouput of RIKEN PE
  • Device model graph output file example:
    33 [G_Name="LS.w32.c7.r5.memport", G_CellType=FuncCell, G_NodeType=MemPort, G_VisualX=7, G_VisualY="6.9"];
    34 [G_Name="LS.w32.c7.r5.memport.inPinA", G_CellType=PinCell, G_NodeType=in, G_VisualX=7, G_VisualY="7.3"];
    35 [G_Name="LS.w32.c7.r5.memport.outPinA", G_CellType=PinCell, G_NodeType=out, G_VisualX=7, G_VisualY="6.5"];
    36 [G_Name="pe.w32.c1.r0.crossbar_mux_0", G_CellType=RouteCell, G_NodeType=Mux];
    37 [G_Name="pe.w32.c1.r0.crossbar_mux_1", G_CellType=RouteCell, G_NodeType=Mux];
    38 [G_Name="pe.w32.c1.r0.crossbar_mux_2", G_CellType=RouteCell, G_NodeType=Mux];
    33 -> 35;
    34 -> 33;

Required and optional attributes in device-model dot file:

  • As shown above, vertices have specific attributes or properties. Some attributes are essential for UGRAMM to function correctly.
    • G_Name: [Required] Contains the unique name of the cell in the device model graph.
    • G_CellType: [Required] Contains the cell type (FuncCell, RouteCell, PinCell).
    • G_NodeType: [Required] Contains the node type (e.g., for FuncCell, NodeTypes can include ALU, MEMPORT).
    • G_VisualX: [Optional] X location for visualization purposes.
    • G_VisualY: [Optional] Y location for visualization purposes.
  • The [Required] node attributes must be clearly defined in the file when used as a dfile input to ensure that UGRAMM functions correctly.